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Autologous Fat Grafting to Traumatic [Amputation] of Hand: Another Way to Heal Fabulously

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Educational Background
1. 1998-2004: Resident of Plastic Surgery in Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
2. 1987-1993: Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Work Experience
1. September 1993-September 1994: GP at Klinik Apotik Husada, Tambun
2. January 1994-October 1994: Research assistance of dr. Siti Dhyanti W, SpOG About
WHO criteria for anemia in pregnant woman
3. January 1995- January 1998: GP (PTT) at Puskesmas Sanden Kabupaten Bantul, DI
4. July 1998-October 2004: Resident of Plastic Surgery in RSCM/Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia
5. March 2005-now: Plastic Surgeon (Consultant) at Central Policeman Hospital RS
Sukanto, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta
6. May 2005-now : Plastic Surgeon (Consultant) at Premier Bintaro Hospital, Tangerang
grafting) around the wound. Wound size after débridement averaged 5.3 ± 2.4 cm2. The most common
complaints are usually itchy and discomfort (pain) on the surrounding wound area.
On average, 6.7 ± 3.4 cc of lipoaspirate was transferred into the surrounding wound area.
Results: All of 8 wounds showed rapid wound healing within 14 days. A reduction of swelling, blackish
colour of skin were achieved after an average of 4 weeks. There are no more complaints such as itchy
and pain in the surrounding wound area as soon as the surgery were done.
Conclusion: Autologous fat grafting is a useful treatment to improve wound healing in traumatic
(amputation) of hand, especially it reduces the complaints of itchy and discomfort/pain on the
surrounding wound area. It needs more sample to observe.
Topic: Autologous Fat Grafting to Traumatic [Amputation] of Hand: Another Way
to Heal Fabulously
Background: Autologous fat grafting in reconstructive surgery is well known by evidence of the
regenerative and reparative effects. The author observed the use of autologous fat grafting as adjuvant
treatment of diabetic foot to improve vitality of the foot and wound healing after debridement or skin
grafting which is usually hard to be successful and tend to require further amputation. And since the
complaints also exist in patients with traumatic hand (wether it is traumatic amputation or not), the
author also tried to observe it.
Methods: Eight patients with traumatic hand/traumatic amputation of hand were treated with surgical
debridement, split-thickness skin grafting and autologous fat grafting (using Coleman's method of fat
grafting) around the wound. Wound size after débridement averaged 5.3 ± 2.4 cm2. The most common
complaints are usually itchy and discomfort (pain) on the surrounding wound area.
On average, 6.7 ± 3.4 cc of lipoaspirate was transferred into the surrounding wound area.
Results: All of 8 wounds showed rapid wound healing within 14 days. A reduction of swelling, blackish
colour of skin were achieved after an average of 4 weeks. There are no more complaints such as itchy
and pain in the surrounding wound area as soon as the surgery were done.
Conclusion: Autologous fat grafting is a useful treatment to improve wound healing in traumatic
(amputation) of hand, especially it reduces the complaints of itchy and discomfort/pain on the
surrounding wound area. It needs more sample to observe.


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