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-TVS-Reconstruction of a Beautiful Human Voice

Dysphonia and Group Voice Therapy for the Professional Voice

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Xiu-Feng Zhuang
Speech Therapist
Department of Otolaryngology,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou
Work Experience
-Master of Science in Hearing and Speech Disorders,
National Taipei College of Nursing (2007)
-Bachelor of Audiology and Linguistics,
Sun Yat-Sen Medical University (2002)
Topic: Dysphonia and Group Voice Therapy for the Professional Voice
Saturday, April 16
TVS -Reconstruction of a Beautiful Human Voice
Venue:Room B,2F
Voice is one of the most important tools for human expression and communication. These professional
voices that require a lot of voice, such as teachers, singers, voice actors, and actors, often suffer from
dysphonia. Clinical voice therapy has achieved significant help for professional voice users with
dysphonia, including voice quality, voice acoustic pneumatic analysis, and quality of life.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) states that in addition to voice assessment
and treatment, speech language pathologist should also provide preventive services.
Therefore, the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital integrated laryngologists, speech language pathologist,
psychologists, and physical fitness teachers to design a set of voice prevention training program for an TV
training center. There are 8 sessions including 6 voice training sessions, 1 Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction session, and 1 physical fitness session. After the training, we found that the trainees were not
only satisfied and felt that the course was very practical, but also had obvious improvements in the strain
of the voice quality and the speaking rate. Preventive voice training program and vocal hygiene can
significantly help professional voice users. In the future, the incidence of dysphonia of these trainees
should be tracked for a long time to better understand the preventive effect of voice training.


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