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-TSDAS-Dermatological and Aesthetic Surgery

The Treatment of Sunken Upper Eyelids by Hyaluronic Acid

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Nai-Jen Hsu
Hsu Nai-Jen Dermatologic Clinic

Work Experience
Dr Hsu obtained his medical degree in 1995 from the National Yang Ming Medical
University, Taiwan. Subsequently, he completed a three-year residency in dermatology at
the Veterans General Hospital Kaohsiung, Taiwan. From 1998 to 2000, he served as
Attending Physician in Dermatology at the Yungkang Veterans Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan,
and from 2000 to 2003, as Attending Physician in Dermatology at Veterans General
Hospital Kaohsiung, Taiwan. He established the Hsu Nai-Jen Dermatologic Clinic in 2003.
During his distinguished career, Dr Hsu has been honoured with awards in Taiwan
including the ‘Outstanding clinical teacher of dermatology’ award from the Veterans
General Hospital Kaohsiung in 1998, and the ‘Outstanding paper’ award from the Skin
Education Research and Development Foundation in 1999.
Dr Hsu is affiliated with several professional societies including the Chinese
Dermatological Society, Laser Medicine Society of the Republic of China, and Chinese
Medical Association of Accupuncture. He is also a certified trainer for Restylane,
Radiesse and Sculptra treatments.
Dr Hsu is a keen researcher and his work has been published in the Dermatologica
Sinica and Environmental Dermatology. He has also translated two textbooks in
dermatology from English into Mandarin.
Topic: The Treatment of Sunken Upper Eyelids by Hyaluronic Acid

The eyes are the window of the soul, eyes and periorbital region are very important part of our face. When
we are aging, there will be many changes of our eye area, including drooping of upper eyelids, eyebags,
fine lines etc. One of the most obvious signs of eye aging is hollowing. The hollowing eye is due to bone
resorption of orbital rim, laxity of soft tissue and cause the sunken upper eyelids.
In this talk, I will review the anatomy of upper eyelids, criteria of beautiful eyes, and the treatment way of
sunken upper eyelids and will also mention about the poor candidate of the hyaluronic acid treatment.


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