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-TMIAS- The Difference in Opinions and Clinical Application for Micro Invasive Procedures Between Surgeon and Non Surgeon

The Foundation of Problem-based Learning in Medical Education: Face Rejuvenation

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Ching-Hsiang Chiang
Da Vinci Plastic surgery clinic
Educational Background
Bachelor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Private Kaohsiung Medical University
(June 1982)
National Cheng Kung University Master of Advanced Management In-service Master
(June 1997)
Work Experience
Surgical Resident, Tainan Hospital of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 1984 to
August 1986)
Surgical Resident, National Cheng Kung University Hospital (September 1986 to July
Attending Physician of Plastic Surgery, National Chengchi University Hospital (August
1991 to February 1994)
Director of Da Vinci Plastic Surgery Clinic (April 1994 to date)
Former Supervisor of the Board of Supervisors of Taiwan Association of Aesthetic
In the early days of plastic surgery, there were few options other than surgery, but about 20 years ago,
micro-plastic botulinum toxin injections and hyaluronic acid injections combined with laser light therapy
pulsed light and radio waves entered the market. The market has opened up the vigorous development of
the medical and cosmetic plastic surgery market.
Diversity of choices is a good thing for ordinary patients, but the difficulty in information collection and
decision is greatly increased. Therefore, a norm that focuses on the problem (main complaint) and
systematically lists feasible solutions, It can let doctors know what weapons they have, and patients can
also have a direction to follow when making decisions.

Taking facial rejuvenation as an example, this report uses the concept of Treatment Ladder to list
non-invasive options (radiotherapy, sonication) to invasive micro-surgery (botulinum toxin) according
to the degree of invasion. , hyaluronic acid injection), and then proceed to Minor surgery (suture lift,
fat grafting) to the final Major facelift surgery. We must explain the advantages and disadvantages of
various programs to patients in detail. Of course, each person's situation is different, his rank is
different, and the suitable treatment methods are different. Each person's subjective preference may
not be the most suitable way, and we can also use this as a basis for explanation.
This model can be applied to many clinical problems. The more complex the problem, the more
treatment options, and the more organized it will be. Physicians and the team should regularly
review the content, add and delete items, and when new items are added, the entire treatment
process should be defined and integrated into the chart as a basis for team operation.
Finally, in line with the theme of this association, I put forward my humble opinions on all aspects of
government-industry-university-customer in order to build a safe and secure medical beauty
industry chain.


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