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-AFPSS- Harmonizing the Face

Assessment and Management of Pseudo Hump Nose

總課時 0 分鐘 / 共1堂 加入最愛

課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Sandeep Uppal
Admiralty Medical Centre

Educational Background
Work Experience
Dr Uppal served a one-year fellowship in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
conducted by the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. He then completed the
certification process of the International and European Boards of Facial Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery. He was awarded the Claus D. Walter Award for Academic
Excellence by the International Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in
2012. He was awarded a PhD by the University of Leeds, UK in 2012 for discovering the
genetic and molecular basis of the Pachydermoperiostosis, a hereditary syndrome that
leads to facial deformity and clubbing. His research led to a first author publication in
the journal Nature Genetics.
Dr Uppal's research and clinical interests have resulted in more than 30 publications in
peer reviewed international journals as well as presentations at various international
courses, workshops and conferences. He is the Section Editor for Rhinology and Facial
Plastic Surgery section of the book ‘Symptom Oriented Otolaryngology Head and Neck
Surgery’ . He is the Course Director of ‘Eleven Days of Facial Plastic Surgery’ , an
annual fresh frozen cadaveric dissection course covering advanced rhinoplasty, facial
rejuvenation surgery and facial fracture and soft tissue reconstruction.
He is a National Examiner for Otorhinolaryngology and a Member of Examination
Development Committee for Otorhinolaryngology Exit Examination, Ministry of Health,
Singapore. He is the General Secretary of the Facial Plastic Surgery section of the
Chapter of Otolaryngology, College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He
serves as a Director on the Governing Council of Pan Asia Academy of Facial Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery and Facial Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery, India. He is a
Director on the International Board for Certification in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery, and the International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies.

One common reason for a rhinoplasty consultation in Asean patients is the correction of a pseudo-hump
deformity. Correction of pseudo-hump nose requires an appreciation of the relationship between surface
aesthetics and underlying anatomy. Our learning objectives for this talk are to learn to differentiate
between a hump nose and pseudo-hump nose, to learn to recognize the anatomical characteristic leading
to pseudo-hump formation in a particular patient, and to use this knowledge to devise a customized
surgical plan to correct the deformity in our patients.


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