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International Forum -TSAPS-

Dual Plane Breast Augmentation with Round Silicone Implants

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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I was born in Bakıröy, Istanbul. I completed my primary education at Private Kültür
College and my secondary and high school education at Istanbul Boy’ s High School.
Then, I started my medicine education at Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of
I completed my university education and got the title of “Medical Doctor” and after I
successfully passed Specialty in Medicine (TUS) exam, I got a chance to get specialty
education at Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Plastic
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Here, I was entitled to be Plastic Reconstructive
and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist thanks to education I received from leading Plastic
Surgery mentors Prof. Dr. Ayhan Numanoglu, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Bayramiçli, Prof. Dr.
Özhan Çelebiler, Prof. Dr. Erdem Tezel and Doç. Dr. Ahmet Sönmez. During my
specialty training, I worked with Prof. Dr. Milomir Ninkovic, MD in Munich Bogenhausen
Hospital Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burn Center.
I have 65 articles published international and national refereed journals and many
verbal presentations which I gave in different scientific meetings. I was entitled to
receive Turkish Plastic Surgery Association National Competence Diploma as a result
of the exam I took in Izmir in 2013 and to receive European Plastic Surgery Competence
Diploma (EBOPRAS) as a result of written and verbal exams. In 2018, I received the title
of Associate Professor in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in July. My
fields of interest are photography, football and travel. My main activity fields are
aesthetic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery and orthognathic surgery.


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