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A Decade Journey - Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) with MAFT-GUN for Facial Rejuvenation

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課程售價: NT 4000元 NT 4000 購買課程
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1990-2006 Clinical teaching for medical students at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
1994-2006 Resident Training in Clinical Surgery at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
1996-2006 Plastic Surgeon Fellow Training at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
1998-2000 Resident Training in Surgery at Municipal Hsiao Kang Hospital
2001-2005 Lecturer, Kaohsiung Medical University
2005 Assistant Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University
2006 International Speaker of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT)
Topic: A Decade Journey - Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) with
MAFT-GUN for Facial Rejuvenation
The German Dr. Neuber described the first human fat grafting in 1893. Fat grafting continues to be
performed popularly because of the ease of fat harvest, the abundance of graft material, and the lack of
transplant rejection. However, fat survival and retention rates are unpredictable, and complications such
as fibrosis, cysts, and nodulation may occur. Lin and colleagues have postulated micro-autologous fat
transplantation (MAFT) since 2007. Since then, the authors have demonstrated the efficacy of the MAFT
technique. Using the innovative instrument, MAFT-GUN, the authors illustrate its indispensability in facial
The comprehensive solution for aging facial in Asians shows the feasibility of clinical applying the
technique of MAFT and MAFT-GUN. We report a series of more than 3000 cases of facial rejuvenation
cases from the fat preparation, processing, refinement, and transplantation in detail. The pre-operative,
intra-operative, and post-operative management provide a sound vision of how the authors perform the
technique. The long-term results will demonstrate the effects of facial recontouring and rejuvenation.
The transplanted sites, including the forehead, temple, periorbital, cheek, nasolabial groove, nasal
dorsum/lip, and chin, are recontoured with the assistance of MAFT-GUN. Occasionally, the adjunct
procedures, including lower blepharoplasty for the lower eyelid, rigottomy, and threading, might be
mandatory. More conclusions and discussions will be welcome to further refine this coming regenerative
medicine era by autologous fat grafting.
Key Words: Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT), Fat Grafting, MAFT-GUN, Recontouring,
Rejuvenation, Regenerative medicine


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