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Facial Plastic and Lipocontouring Forum-TSAPS

Role of Helium-drive Radiofrequency Plasma in Facial and Body Contouring - My Personal Experiences

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Educational Background
1995.09-2002.07 National Taiwan University (M.D.)
2015.09-2018.06 National Chengchi University, Executives Program,
Graduate School of Business Administration
Work Experience
2010.07-2012.06 Visiting Staff, National Taiwan University Hospital, Yu-Lin Branch
2012.07-2014.08 Chief, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Chief, Cosmetic Center
National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsin-Chu Branch

Topic: Role of Helium-drive Radiofrequency Plasma in Facial and Body Contouring -
My Personal Experiences

The outcome of liposculpture depends on the thickness of residual subcutaneous fat and the ability of
skin shrinkage and redraping after facial and body contouring procedures. Many modalities employed to
facilitate fat removal by using suction, laser, ultrasound, or radiofrequency have provided mild and
moderate skin and soft tissue contraction. But the result is unpredictable and surgical excision cannot be
avoided for those with severe skin laxity.
Here, we report our experiences by incorporating the helium based plasma device to different facial and
body contouring procedures for the purpose of subdermal soft tissue coagulation and contraction.
Applications include: (1) Subdermally as a stand-alone procedure with liposculpture (2) Subdermally in a
limited incision, non-excisional technique with a concomitant platysmaplasty, SMAS suspension or thread
lift in face and neck (3) Subdermally in conjunction with an open traditional rhytidectomy, abdominoplasty
or brachioplasty involving skin excision.
Appropriate patient selection is very import and Renuvion helium base plasma device can be a powerful
tool that can deliver skin tightening and soft tissue contraction that other technologies can’ t achieve.
Keywords: Renuvion, Skin tightening, Plasma, Liposuction, Liposculpture

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