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Shanghai-Taipei Face Rejuvenation Forum

Indications of Facial Lifting Using Photoelectric Technology

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Zhen Zhang
Associate Chief
Department of Dermatology,
Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital

Educational Background
1999.9-2004.6 Shanghai Second Medical Univercity Bachelor
2008.9-2011.6 School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong Univercity Master
2013.9-2016.6 School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong Univercity Doctor

Work Experience
• 2004.7-2011.11
Department of Dermatology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital Resident
• 2011.12-2017.11
Department of Dermatology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital Attending
• 2017.12-present
Department of Dermatology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital Associate Chief

Topic: Indications of Facial Lifting Using Photoelectric Technology

Facial laxity involves skeletal changes, loss of volume in the fat compartment, and skin component
changes. Effective nonablative skin tightening has become a reality. Noninvasive interventions such as
monopolar capacitively coupled radiofrequency (MRF), multiple microfocused ultrasound (MFU) devices
with or without a visualization system, microneedle fractional radiofrequency, CO2 laser, long pulsed
1064 nm Nd:YAG laser, infrared lights, have gained popularity, offering a safer and more convenient
alternative to traditional surgical face lift. However, the effect of photoelectric technology is not as
significant as compared to surgical lift and thread lift, especially for patients with severe facial skin laxity.
Therefore, mild to moderate skin laxity is a better indication for photoelectric technology. Meanwhile, the
relatively high improvement rate observed by the subjects' self assessments compared to investigators
evaluation from the photographs suggested that we need to find new evaluation methods other than
photography which may reflect what subjects feel but we cannot see. There was no evidence of an
association between improvement and age, Fitzpatrick skin type, alcohol intake, or major illness.
Outcomes were better in patients with lower BMI (30 kg/m2). Photoelectric technology remains an
indispensable option for facial lifting, as patients have opted for less dramatic and more natural results
accompanied by desire to minimize risk and recovery time.


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