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-TSMBS-CTSSO- Metabolic, Bariatric Surgery and Aesthetics

Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in Taiwan

總課時 0 分鐘 / 共1堂 加入最愛

課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Educational Background
1988-1995Medical College, National Yang-Ming University
2011-2015EMBA, National Taiwan University
Work Experience
1994-1995 Verteran General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
1995-1997 Department of Surgery, Shin-Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital.
Taipei, Taiwan
1997-2000 Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery,
National Taiwan University Hospital. Taipei, Taiwan
Chief Residency
2001 Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University
Hospital. Taipei, Taiwan
Attending Surgeon
2001-2005 Division of General surgery and Bariatric surgery center.
En-Chu-Kong Hospital Taipei, Taiwan
2005-2007 Chief, Division of general surgery,
Department of Surgery, Min-Sheng Hospital, Tao Yuan, Taiwan
2007-2008 Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery,
Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
2008-2021 Chief, weight management center,
Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
2021-NOW Associate dean,
Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
2005-2011 Lecturer, Medical College, National Taiwan University
2011-2014 Assistant professor, Medical College, Taipei Medical University
2014-2021 Associate Professor, Medical College,Taipei Medical University
2021-NOW Professor , Medical College,Taipei Medical University
Topic: Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in Taiwan
The introduction of bariatric surgery in Taiwan's surgical field can be traced back to the vertical gastric
compartment surgery performed by Professor Chen Kaimo in the 1970s. At that time, this surgery could
also be said to be indiscriminate in the Asia-Pacific region; it was further developed in the 1990s. The
laparoscopic surgery introduced by Professor Li Weijie gradually progressed from the laparoscopic
gastric compartment to gastric bypass, gastric band, mini gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy. It has
been carried forward to other institutions abroad, and even all over the world. Because of Professor Li's
investment and dedication, Taiwan has also brought Taiwan to the world stage in the field of bariatric and
metabolic surgery.
At present, about 3,000 metabolic bariatric surgeries are performed in China every year on average, and
the Taiwan Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Medical Association has been established, and has the
professional certification of the specialist system and surgery center. The results of the certification and
the center certification are publicly disclosed on the website for the general public to inquire. At present,
the society has 125 members, 52 specialist doctors, and 16 hospitals that have passed the certification
center. With the popularization of this field, applicants and Institutions are also increasing year by year.
As the concept of metabolic surgery progresses, the number of people who need surgery is also on the
rise. If we refer to the development curve of Europe and the United States, the number of cases that
should be accepted but not implemented in China is still over 90%, and the implementation rate is not as
high as 30% of the advanced countries. The main reason is the innate fear of surgery and the lack of
knowledge in the eastern culture, followed by the failure to meet the standards of the insurance system,
so learn to work hard in the future.
The goal is to enhance education on surgery for metabolic diseases of obesity, and to communicate with
insurance authorities about the standard adjustment of benefits.
Taiwan is already the country with the most serious obesity problem in Asia. If the education of bariatric
and metabolic surgery can be strengthened and implemented, and the quality of surgery can be
controlled to improve safety, the future vigorous growth can be expected.


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