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-TSMBS-CTSSO- Metabolic, Bariatric Surgery and Aesthetics

Postbatiatric Body Contouring : A Life Changing Surgery

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課程售價: NT 300元 NT 300 購買課程
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Yen-Chou Chen
Chicing clinic / Charmmed Clinic
Educational Background
M.D. Medicine
Kaohsiung Medical University School of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Work Experience
Attending Staff
Body Science and Metabolic Disorder International Medical Center
China Medical University Hospital
Topic: Postbariatric Body Contouring: A life-changing Surgery
Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for morbid obesity. In asian-pacific region, Taiwan is the
pioneer country to start bariatric surgery. Nowadays, there are around 3000 bariatric surgeries
performed annually. After surgery, patients not only lose weight but also improve from metabolic
syndrome. However, skin laxity develops after massive weight loss. Whole body will be affected including
face/neck, breast, back, arm, abdomen, thigh and buttock. Patient not only complain the aesthetic
problem but also suffer from the functional disturbance. In such situation, exercise or minimal invasive
skin tightening treatment are useless. Body contouring (skin excision procedure) is the best option. It not
only eliminates excessive skin but also improves skin tone and general appearance. The drawbacks are
high complication rate, long recovery time and lengthy scar. However, the asian patients tend to have
more prominent scar compared to caucasian patients. Patients are also afraid of the post-operative pain
and downtime. Additionally, very rare plastic surgeon devote to this field. Therefore, it makes the
postbariatric bodycontouring surgery less popular in Taiwan. In this speech, I will talk about how I
overcome the obstacle and share my experience of how postbariatric body contouring surgery can change
patient's life.


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