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International Forum-APAAS-

Facial Reshaping with Extended SMAS Facelift Technique

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Seung Ryul Lee
TIMEPLUS Plastic Surgery Clinic

Educational Background

College of Medicine, Chungnam National University.
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive surgery Chungnam
National University Hospital
Work Experience
Department of Plastic & Reconstructive surgery, College of Medicine, Chungnam
National University

Topic: Facial Re-shaping with Extended SMAS Facelift Technique
As aging, facial fat descends and facial shape changes. The aging process is primarily caused by
attenuation of support from facial retaining ligaments. Facial fat becomes situated anteriorly and
inferiorly in the cheek, producing a decreased malar highlight, prominence of the nasolabial fold and the
jowl. For the re-elevation and repositioning of descended facial fat, the retaining ligaments should be
sufficiently released to achieve the mobilization of SMAS flap.
Extended SMAS facelift technique has a malar extension of SMAS dissection that allows the complete
release of retaining ligaments such as zygomatic and masseteric ligaments and vertical repositioning of
descended facial fat. Also, this technique has wide aesthetic versatilities in SMAS flap design, SMAS flap
dissection, repositioning vectors according to facial shape, degree of facial fat descent, facial skeletal
support. In wide, rectangular face with good malar highlight and absence of submalar fullness, operative
techniques including more laterally designed malar SMAS flap, limited SMAS dissection and oblique
SMAS repositioning vectors are recommended to restore the submalar fullness without facial widening.
In long face with poor malar highlight and submalar fullness, operative techniques including more
medially designed malar SMAS flap, extended SMAS dissection and vertical SMAS repositioning vectors
are recommended to restore the malar highlight and decrease the submalar fullness with facial
Extended SMAS facelift technique is desirable to reshape the whole face through restoration of malar
highlight and effacement of nasolabial fold and jowl deformity.


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