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-AFPSS- Master Techniques in Rhinoplasty

Dorsal Augmentation with Rib Cartilage: New Insights

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Hong-Ryul Jin
Dr. Jin's Premium Nose Clinic

Educational Background
Graduated from Seoul National Univ. College of Medicine
Work Experience
Professor at Department of ENT, Seoul National University, College of Medicine

Topic: Dorsal Augmentation with Rib Cartilage: New Insights
1. How to choose types of rib cartilage graft for dorsal augmentation: one-piece, layered, or diced?
Choosing types of cartilage graft are influenced by many factors: amount and areas of augmentation,
rib cartilage characteristics, nose shapes and skin thickness, etc..
Author will explain how to select graft types and to carve them considering various factors.
2. New method of making diced cartilage in fascia
Previous diced cartilage was wrapped with temporalis fascia using 1 cc syringe. New method of
wrapping diced cartilage with fascia includes drying of fascia and gluing diced cartilage with blood.
3. New method of making diced cartilage glued with PRF (platelet rich fibrin)
PRF glues scattered cartilage fragments so that it is easy to make desired graft shapes and carry the
grafts to recipient site. A lot of growth factors in PRF also afford better survival of the cartilage with
more resistance to infection.

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