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Total Phalloplasty in FtM Transgender: 20 Years Experience

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Sukit Worathamrong
Yanhee International Hospital
Educational Background
MD. (Siriraj hospital, Mahidol university)
Diplomatic board of plastic surgery (Chulalongkorn university)
1985: Doctor of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University,Thailand
Work Experience
Had Yai Hospital, Songkla Province (1991-1994)
Mittraparp Memorial Hospital, Saraburi Province (1994-1999)
1999-present: Yanhee International Hospital
Topic: Total Phalloplasty in FtM Transgender: 20 Years Experience
Total phalloplasty for Female to male (FTM) gender dysphoria patients is known as one of the most
challenging operation and has many complications that still not easily managed. All the surgeons in
most centers of the world try to find the methods that reduce the complications and increase the rate of
success. The plan of the surgery is now accepted to be arranged as multiple steps with different designed
protocol. The goal to have the ideal penis that serves both the excellent form and function is the highest
expectation of patients and surgeons. After the era of microsurgery, the result of tissue transplantation
is more success and possible in the most difficult area and also the phalloplasty. With the personal set up
as 3 steps protocol and multiple reviews of the techniques and refinements for 20 years, 300+ cases of
FTM patients received total phalloplasty by Radial forearm free flap with the high success rate and lower
urologic complication compared with the other main center of SRS. The patients can urinate through the
penis tip, have the proper size and acceptable appearance and almost all have the sensated penis. The
silicone implant designed by the surgeon serves as a temporary good stiffener and provides the penis
firm enough for sexual purpose in most cases. The more researches for the penile implant specifically
designed for this group of patients, the urological changes after phalloplasty are needed in the future.
The detail about the protocol, the refinement of the surgery, the result will be presented and discussed.

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